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Aussie Summer Fruit Bread
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Recently harvested from the bowing branches and mature tropical plantations, Australian peaches and bananas are ripe and ready for you to eat right now.
Just in time for Australia Day, you can sift, stir and bake this Aussie Summer inspired Fruit Cake which can be shared amongst friends this coming Sunday.
Trust me, this recipe is super easy to make and can be ready to eat within an hour. I love cutting the loaf into thick slices, lightly toasting them before smearing over a few generous lashes of creamy butter.
With the inclusion of native Australian macadamia nuts, this cake is a true celebration of the Australian Summer.
Aussie Summer Fruit Cake

- Butter 50g, melted & cooled
- Banana, mashed 1 cup (2-3 ripened/blackened bananas)
- Peach 1, cubed
- Macadamia Nuts 1/4 cup, coarsely chopped
- Shredded Coconut 1/2 cup
- Brown Sugar 2/3 cup
- Self Raising Flour 1 3/4 cup
- Plain Flour 1/4 cup
- Buttermilk 1/2 cup
- Free Range Eggs 2
Serves 8-10

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