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Homemade Dukkah + Road Trip to Kangaroo Valley
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If you follow us on Instagram or Twitter, you've probably seen some pictures from our recent road trip touring the stunning NSW South Coast. Cruising around the towns of Kangaroo Valley & Berry, it was a week of pure leisure, slowing down and soaking up some much needed down time.
We booked ourselves into a pet-friendly self contained house nestled in the heart of Kangaroo Valley . Days before I had envisioned us lounging on the sun deck, tucking into some local cheese and this homemade Dukkah whilst sipping on some slightly chilled pinot noir. Sounds serene huh?
Well let me tell you, the weather had other plans. The skies opened and rain bucketed down the minute we took off from Sydney. We kept saying to each other "It doesn't matter about the rain, it will be cosy in the house with the fire on, curled up watching movies". Doesn't sound too bad right?
Well,when we finally arrived at the house, we learned very quickly that the power was out. No lighting, no fire (as it was gas unit with an electric ignition!), no movies, just our luck. Cold and hungry, we left our pooch in the house and headed to the local pub. Luckily, the town centre's electricity had just come back on (we were told the residential area would be mid afternoon). We surrendered to the weather and got stuck into some hearty pub grub, sharing stories over a couple of glasses of local cider.
After two days of hibernation, we eventually got to enjoy the great outdoors. The local towns of Kangaroo Valley & nearby Berry are beautiful country villages, steeped in history & charm. The entire South Coast region is fast emerging as a foodies haven with its abundance of local produce, local wineries and gourmet cafes & restaurants dotted throughout. Well worth the visit, even in the rain.
Below is our super easy recipe for Dukkah. We tend to make it if we're entertaining as it makes a great casual starter. You could also bring it along to a picnic or like we had planned, a self catered short escape. If you've never heard of Dukkah before, to put it simply it's an Egyptian spice mix. You can read more about it here if you like.
Homemade Dukkah

- Hazelnuts 1/3 cup
- Almonds 1/3 cup
- Sesame seeds 1/2 cup
- Coriander seeds 2 1/2 TB
- Cumin seeds 2 TB
- Fennel seeds 1 tsp
- Peppercorns 1 tsp
- Salt Flakes 1 TB

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